Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MY best times

One of best times ever was skateboarding on my homemade ghetto ramp in on the hot summer days in California. Every day skateboarding was my only goal when I used to live in California. Especially skating on my ghetto trashcan ramp

So one bored day of sitting around watching TV was starting to get really boring
.So I decided to call up my main homey Andrew He asked me why aint I out skating today and I was like cause there aint nothing to tear it up on .So he was like Il be there in a few minutes man .Then I called up my homey brodie and I told him to come out I got a new idea and it should work this time. So now I had to people that could help me out with my plan standing right outside my house. Saying to themselves what’s he doing moving that trashcan were and flipping over onto the edge of the curb. I yelled at frustrated in my head get over here and help me out! The other day walking by the wood factory I found a huge piece of wood in there empty lot were they dump there extra wood so I took down to lot and I made sure they all got there skateboards so that we could move the 90 pound sheet of ply wood so were decided to get are skate boards and put wood on top of are three skateboards and push back through the three blocks of torn up streets and low riders until we got to my house.

By time we all got to my house I realized that we were going to need more people help set up the trashcan ramp. So I called up Big Andrew and Trevor. In at least 5 minutes they were because of the love they had for skateboarding. So by now we had all the people we needed to get this ramp going. So we all started lifting the gigantic piece of wood onto the trashcan that looked like a sky scraper sitting on the curb flipped over. Now had to find some duck tape so we could some how get the huge crack on the piece of wood covered so we didn’t flip over and bust are brains on the ground that would be 5 feet below the top end of are ramp. Now we were ready to skate this thing up.

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